Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Powerful Quote from the Father of Existentialism

Here is a powerful piece from Soren Kierkagaard's "Either/Or", and is being spoken by the character of Judge Wilhelm:

"When around me all has become still, solemn as a starlit night, when the soul is all alone in the world, there appears before it not a distinguished person, but the eternal power itself. It is as though the heavens parted, and the I chooses itself -- or, more correctly, it accepts itself...
Just as an heir, even if he inherits all the world's treasures, does not own them before coming of age, even the richest personality is nothing before he has chosen himself, and on the other hand, even what might be called the poorest personality is everything when he has chosen himself; for the great thing is not to be this or that, but to be oneself; and every person can be that if he wants."

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